New Grace Baptist Church


Thank You for Visiting "Redeeming the Time."

We trust that the five minute videos that you watch on this page will inspire you toward the FULL Christian life. One of the reasons why the word Christian is such a dry and dull word to many people is because the gift of Christianity is often received, but we never learn how to access it fully the way we ought to. These videos are only 5 minutes in length, and we trust that they will make a difference in your life as you seek  to know the Lord more deeply every day!

Part 10-Outside In--Satan's War on the Saints

Part 9-The Fruit of the Revived Life

Part 8-A Branch of the True Vine

Part 7-The Voices of the Past

Part 6-Standards from a New Perspective

Part 5-Overcoming the World

Part 4-Mr. Feeling, Mr. Faith and Mr. Fact

Part 3-Faith in the Time of Fear

Part 2-What It Means to Be Still

Part 1-Accessing the Christian Life the Way It Should Be
