New Grace Baptist Church


Growth Point Bible Studies Religion127
Symphony of Prayer Youth Crusaders Bus Ministry

Growth Point

growthpointGrowth Point is on Sunday Mornings at 10am. This ministry is for all ages and is divided in such a way that all who participate will be able to grow according to their own age group. The following are the divisions of study groups during the growth point period:


Ms. Lisa is the most exciting Growth Point teacher for young children. She is very interactive with them, and has some of the most amazing visuals and colorful illustrations I think I have ever seen. Kids love her, and she loves kids! If you're looking to get your child involved, get them into this session of Growth Point!

Teenagers to Young Adults

The teen section of Growth Point involves the study of the pressures that young people face between the ages of 17 and 27. This class is extremely helpful in preparing your teenager for what takes many young people by surprise. A man once said, "Plan to fail if you fail to plan," and this class will prepare young people and aid them in planning their future, making Jesus Christ the center of everything.


The Adult division of Growth Point involves the study of various life issues from a biblical standpoint. So far, material by Dr. Clarence Sexton has been used, and has been extremely helpful in strengthening our adult men and women for the various daily challenges that they face. These classes are often divided into ladies and men's groups, but are also combined as well. We encourage you to be a part of Growth Point!

Special Bible Studies

Empty New Grace The Word of God talks about how the disciples not only ministered in the synagogue, but also from house to house. It is the goal of New Grace Baptist Church to be a FIRST CENTURY church as far as values and beliefs. In short, an uncontaminated view of how the church is to run. Bible Study is very important, and we have a large variety of them. For example, we are starting a new youth study as well as Bible studies for new converts, family Bible studies and much more. If you are interested in learning more about the Word of God, or would like someone to come and talk with you about the Bible, please fill out our contact sheet. Even if you are far away, we want to teach you about the Bible. Soon there will be video studies available for you to view, so let us know! [contact-form-7 id="6" title="Contact form 1"]  



This is a very special ministry. The name, Religion127 is based on the verse in James 1:27 that says, "Pure religion, and undefiled before God and the Father is this; to visit the fatherless, and the widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

Truth today is being divided into the empirical (dealing with the senses) and value (morals, ethics, God, theology, etc.). Unfortunately, because of this, the opinion of a soul is based on the outer appearance of the body. We are living in scary times when people who have wrinkles are automatically categorized as lacking in value. It's the same with babies. No doctor will deny that life begins at conception; the problem is that they don't put any value on it.

At New Grace Baptist Church, we value elderly people, and we make them feel valued. They are significant to society, and it is our aim to make them believe that they are. If you are interested in participating in this, please be sure to contact us!

A Symphony of Prayer

Symphony of Prayer

The Symphony of Prayer was organized based on the book by John R. Van Gelderen, "A Symphony of Prayer. Each Wednesday evening, the church meets at 7pm to receive a brief challenge from God's word; after which, we take part in a prayer meeting.

This prayer meeting does not involve taking turns, or going down a line, or praying at the same time. We literally have a conversation with God, almost like sitting at the dinner table together as we discuss the battles and the needs that we have. We allow the Holy Spirit to lead us as we meet with God together at his throne. It is one of the most delightful times a Christian can have we he can commune freely with the Savior amongst the brethren.

We pray what the Holy Spirit has laid on our heart at that moment, and we become silent and allow the next brother or sister pray as the Spirit leads.

Because of the charismatic movement, Independent Baptist Churches everywhere have been very careful to exclude any mentioning or reckoning of the Holy Spirit's guidance in a church.

New Grace Baptist Church is certainly careful to test the spirits as is mentioned in 1 John 4, and we are careful not to believe every spirit. We allow the Holy Spirit liberty to do His work in our church. Without Him, we can do nothing.

We want to be sure that none of you get the idea that our church speaks in tongues or prophesies. We believe these gifts were for the days when the church was beginning, and when the Bible was not yet completed. Now that the perfect Word is completed, we believe there is no longer use for tongues or prophesies in the church. But we still believe in the leading of the Holy Spirit; and the best way to seek His help, is through prayer.

We encourage you to be a part of this extraordinary evening of prayer!

Youth Crusaders

Youth Crusaders small titleWe have a special youth experience for your kids. The Youth Crusaders gives our kids a chance to experience God at their own age. The Bible tells us to suffer the little children to come to the Lord, and we believe that this includes imagination and inspiration from God's word with interactive stories and lessons designed to get kids engaged. Special events are posted on our main page. An example would be the Battle that took place in September of 2014. This was a great experience for young people. Also, our study of Creation versus Evolution the year before. We encourage you to get your kids involved in Youth Crusaders! Normal meetings are during The Symphony of Prayer each Wednesday Night at 7pm.

Bus Ministry

Bus Ministry We provide transportation if you need it! Just call (252) 955-4220 or email us! Be sure to give us your name, address, and telephone number in the email just in case we have trouble getting to you. If you email us, make sure you get a response from us, otherwise, you'll be waiting a while 🙂 [contact-form-7 id="6" title="Contact form 1"]