NGBCMemories and Multitasking
As a parent, a pastor, a partner, perfectionist, planner...among other things; it is easy to let the multitasking separate the mentoring of children.
For example, Wilson wanted to help me paint the shed. This particular day involved a vast amount of household tasks along with troubleshooting issues for VISION1615, preparing a PowerPoint and message for The Battle, and handling various other issues a pastor deals with from day to day at the church, it's really easy to say, "No way" to a request like that. But here's the thing that we as fathers need to remember. God has designed us to be the pathfinders of our children's future. In a sense, we are preparing the way of The Lord, making His paths straight in our children's lives!
How can we expect our children to entrust their hearts to us if we will not take their hearts? Our children oftentimes are willingly giving us their heart; and we look at them and say, "Not right now, maybe later!"
Dear friend, father, family man...future family man, whoever you are...mother...the days are evil.
Can I say that one more time? THE DAYS ARE EVIL! We must redeem the time! And part of doing that involves time for our children!
If you need to multitask, be sure to make memories for your kids as well. Make them a part of everything you do!
Perhaps you're reading this and you're saying; it's too late for me. My kids are grown.
It's not to late. Joshua's prayer made the sun stand still. You can still redeem the time with prayer for your children. You can still redeem the time by taking the time to share this blog with someone else. Our kids need us! And they need us most at our busiest times!