NGBCA Struggle for Souls
I've noticed many times how certain preachers whom I respect very highly seem to have a Midas touch when it comes to ministry. They've got all the right contacts and are at just the right places. I myself have not acquired this special touch. But this does not exempt me from a burden to do all that I can to see lost souls come to Christ.
Many men have asked me, "Brother Mike, how are you making it???"
My response to that question is, "Faith." It's not a facetious or fictitious remark. It is an honest answer, with really...no other explanation. How do you explain faith? Well, the Bible says that, "faith is the substance of things hoped for" (Hebrews 11:1). I emphasized that word "hope," because a lot of people define that word the way that we define it today. For example, "Boy, I sure hope that car isn't too expensive," or "I sure hope that money comes in!"
But this isn't at all what it means in the passage. It's actually a confident expectation. Faith is having the hope that God knows exactly what he's doing. Faith is just knowing God is going to come through for you. This blog isn't to give you my theological expertise on the matter, it's basically to let you in on how I feel personally about things, and to apply those feelings in a biblical perspective. I'm not just going to give my opinion in this blog.
So here's the big reason I prepared this particular blog for today. I pastor a church that isn't necessarily thriving financially like many churches. Our church supports their pastor full time, and I am so grateful for their sacrifice to do that, but financially, it is difficult for them to do so. They make a true sacrifice, and I have watched how God has honored their faith because of it.
Presently, we are preparing to take part in perhaps the largest scale ministry this little church has ever taken part in. We are getting ready to reach people through thousands of phone numbers, hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. It is an endeavor that I have sent letters out, in hope (there's that word again) that perhaps we might get some support. We've gotten a little, and I praise God for it. But the biggest support I've received is from the Lord Himself. He has given me the peace that he is going to honor the faith of our small church with such a big vision. We are getting ready to canvass thousands of doors with the help of a handful of churches who have also caught the vision! Thank God for those churches who have volunteered to come and help. We are so thankful for them.
I do not know the outcome of it all. But here's the ultimate question. What is one soul worth to a church? When a church can answer that question, it will determine how much a church will spend to reach out to the thousands of lost people surrounding her. GOD WILL PROVIDE! That's how valuable a soul is worth to him!