From the Pulpit
We have a selection of messages from Pastor and other speakers that we think will be a blessing to you. They are divided into special series for your convenience to help you find what you are looking for.IN THEM
We are in the 21st Century. Times are difficult and uncertain. Many churches are closing while many Christians are saying, “Things just aren’t the way they used to be.” But this is not right. When the Holy Spirit descended on the church at Pentecost, it began an age that we are living in STILL...the age of the church. In this series. Pastor takes Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane recorded in John 17 and applies the truths of that prayer to the 21st Century Church to help us see more clearly that the church can still have the very same power as the church at pentecost.Click the picture below for the playlist

This is a miniseries on prophecy. Many are asking what is happening; but only the Bible can tell us what is going on. We trust that this series will be a comfort to you during these strange days that we are facing.Click the picture below for the playlist
No you’re not. One out of three people struggle with mental health, it’s just that no one ever talks about it. In this series, the Pastor shares his own story of victory of depression, and provides powerful truths to anyone who struggles with stress, anxiety, fear and depression.
Click the picture below for the playlist:

During the peak of “Black Lives Matter,” the pastor preached a series on the lives that are so important, yet so easily ignored and overlooked; the little lives. If you’re a parent, a grandparent, guardian, or a church member surrounded by seemingly annoying kids, this miniseries will give you a new perspective on the little lives around us.Click the picture below to view the playlist:
In this brief Christmas series, Pastor preached three powerful messages based on the Christmas lights found in the Bible.Click the picture below to view the playlist:

This series is based on the epistle to the Colossians. Pastor uses the writer’s triangle and applies it to what makes a person’s life a #1 bestseller. Is your life the kind people envy? It can be!Click the picture below to view the playlist:

This series is the continuation of our study in Genesis as we focus on the life of Abraham, and how we can leave a legacy of our own behind for young people to pattern after.Click the picture below to view the playlist:

This series is based on the book of Genesis, and specifically focuses on how the slaves of Israel became a mighty nation by following the divine precepts set down in God’s Word. Pastor points out that these precepts are just as effective for a successful climb to the top today!Click the picture below to view the playlist:

A selection of mystery speakers from our church by the pastor, from age seven to over 60!Click the picture below to view the playlist: