New Grace Baptist Church

Who is Using You?

IMG_3174.PNG 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."
I was thinking the other day, as I was writing a sermon down on my iPad—extreme measures for extreme times—if someone picked up my iPad and browsed through it, would they see me in the iPad?
Well, they would have to know me fairly well of course! And with that, as they flipped through and read some of the things I have jotted down in my notes, and browse through my pictures, and check my Facebook; I'm sure they would see me. The iPad belongs to me, and I use it on a regular basis. And that is why they would see Mike!
Now suppose Marianne and I shared that iPad on a daily basis. People would see me and Marianne in it.
So here's my question to you today...Who's using you? God designed you to be a vessel that He can fill, but unfortunately, the devil also wants a piece of you...the world wants to use you. Whoever you are making yourself available to, that's who people are going to see in you.
Whatever is going into your memory banks; whatever songs, movies, games, or friends of social media you have that you're putting into your's going to come out, and people are going to see who's using you.
Matthew 6:24 says, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
My friend, we all serve something, or someone. We are making ourselves available to something or someone. We were designed to serve...unfortunately, sin has produced multiple options in that realm.
Who are you serving? Who's using you?
My friend, I can tell you right now, just like that iPad, whoever or whatever is using you, has filled your data banks. When someone reads your life—and they do every day—they not only see you, but they also see your master.
I don't know about you, but I want to serve an honest master, and a master who cares about me, and loves me. Such love can only come from the One Who hung on a tree for my sins, Jesus Christ.
Let Jesus Christ use you! And people will not only see you, but Christ IN you!
You know that phrase, "This is the life?"
I tell you, this is the life you want to serve. Put off the servants of darkness! They care nothing for you!
So fan the flame, and serve THE Master, not just some master.