NGBCAbandoning the Next Generation
I'm mighty afraid that our view of kids is not the view Christ desires us to have.
As adults, if we're not careful, we will become so self-absorbed that we will abuse our authority to the point of terminal silence in our children; teaching them that communication is pointless because the constant monologue got very old!
The mystery of the teen is easily solvable.
Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to get a teen to say anything? It's because they've been trained that way. From age three, when they really began talking; up to age ten. I wonder how many of us as adults have done a tally of how many times we've said, "Be quiet! I'm busy!" And how many times we've actually listened to what they had to say, as if it were important to us. We were made to feel significant and secure and accepted. Humans don't stop and think about it in those terms, but if I had three wishes, I'd want to be secure, accepted, and significant. Your kids need to know they are.
Have you thought about this? You love your child, no doubt about it...but does he or she know that? I did a survey with about thirty adults recently, and I asked them, "Did your parents love you?" Only five said, "Oh, I know they did!"
25 of them had answers like this, "I'm not really sure," or "I think so."
I love Ephesians 3:19. It says, "And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." I am so thankful that I know God loves me! It's not a think so, or a guess so! It's a know so! And the only way our children are going to know the love of God for them, is if they know that their parents love them. God gave a child parents as an agent for preparing them for a walk with the Heavenly Father. We need our kids to see The Lord! Take time with them! Play with them! Teach them! Love them! Don't abandon them by shutting them up all the time. At their young age, they need to feel important more than any other stage in their life! Fan the flame, and LISTEN for a change!